Access to education for refugee children from Ukraine 

Temporary enrollment of pre-school and school children with refugee status from Ukraine continues in the municipal educational institutions.

The total number of children enrolled in preschool education according to age groups – 151 children in 49 educational institutions.
In 46 schools and high schools in Chisinau, 540 refugee children are temporarily enrolled as attendances in the educational process. Extracurricular institutions have continued to provide activities for children in temporary placement centers for refugee families. Thus, 12 teachers carried out educational activities in the temporary placement centers for refugees (Community Center “Convorbitorul”, Dormitory of the Municipal Boarding School with sports profile, “Patria-Lukoil” cinema, SCM Phthisiopulmonology). These activities were attended by 91 children from refugee families, who are in these temporary placement centers for refugee families.
Overall, 89 children have attended the activities in the municipal creative centers. Likewise, 23 children from refugee families are attending sports facilities.
On March 21-22, a trip to the Zoo was organized and a tourist march in collaboration with the City Station for young tourists.